Server 01

a <- 5 # Server 1 # library(httr) # Specify the URL of the CSV file url <- "" # Use httr::GET to fetch the CSV content without SSL certificate verification # response <- GET(url, config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L)) # csv_content <- content(response, "text") # Read the CSV into a data frame # require(data.table) d <- fread(csv_content) head(d) # Create a variable a, equal to 5 a <- 5 # Print out a print(a) test_object("a") test_function("print") success_msg("Great job!")
Use the assignment operator (<-) to create the variable a.

Server 02

# This will get executed each time the exercise gets initialized b = 6 # Server 2 library(httr) # Specify the URL of the CSV file url <- "" # Use httr::GET to fetch the CSV content without SSL certificate verification response <- GET(url, config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L)) csv_content <- content(response, "text") # Read the CSV into a data frame require(data.table) d <- fread(csv_content) head(d) # Create a variable a, equal to 5 a <- 5 # Print out a print(a) test_object("a") test_function("print") success_msg("Great job!")
Use the assignment operator (<-) to create the variable a.

Server 03

# Server 1 library(httr) # Specify the URL of the CSV file url <- "" # Use httr::GET to fetch the CSV content without SSL certificate verification response <- GET(url, config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L)) csv_content <- content(response, "text") # Read the CSV into a data frame require(data.table) d <- fread(csv_content) head(d) # Server 1 library(httr) # Specify the URL of the CSV file url <- "" # Use httr::GET to fetch the CSV content without SSL certificate verification response <- GET(url, config = httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L)) csv_content <- content(response, "text") # Read the CSV into a data frame require(data.table) d <- fread(csv_content) head(d) # Create a variable a, equal to 5 a <- 5 # Print out a print(a) test_object("a") test_function("print") success_msg("Great job!")
Use the assignment operator (<-) to create the variable a.